Visualize a better Mass Ave! That's Capitol Square. |
- The East Arlington Livable Streets Coalition has developed photographic mock-ups of a redesigned Mass Ave versus the view today and versus a 4-lane design. View them here.
- State Senator Ken Donnelly has been outspoken in his warning that reopening the design of Mass Ave at this point would cost Arlington $6.8 million in state and federal highway grants.
- He details how such a scenario could unfold if Question 1 passes here.
- Arlington Selectman Dan Dunn connects the dots from Donnelly's warning to Arlington's budget.
- Dunn, a former Finance Committee members, likens losing the highway aid to missing an entire year of override revenue, here.
- Phil Goff makes the positive case for the design in this essay.
- Arlington's Transportation Advisory Committee does a great job of enumerating the positive changes the plan would bring to the street and tackles some of the controversies head on. TAC did not design the project but supports the plan here.
- Nawwaf Kaba has put the facts about Mass Ave on YouTube and his videos are posted here.
Other resources include the Town's Mass Ave Project page, the East Arlington Livable Streets coalition, and Adam Auster's blog, the Word on the Street, particularly this quick summary of the Mass Ave plan.
Please help us to spread the word that "yes" on Q1 is really a vote against safety and funding. NO means GO for a better Mass Ave!